
Fraction to Percent Converter - convert fractions to percent online

Use this online fraction to percentage converter to easily convert fractions to percentages.

    Conversion of fractions to percentages

We encounter percentages and fractional numbers in many areas of science, engineering, business and financial calculations, statistical data, as well as everyday life. Conversion from fractions to percentages is often required to easily compare ratios or rates, or to more readily communicate those numbers. Having a fraction to percent converter can be useful in such scenarios.

The mathematical operation for this conversion is trivial, since percentages are nothing else but fractions with a denominator of 100. Previously it was even in the name, which was initially "per centum", then became "per cent" and finally the modern "percent" became widely used. It still means the same: "per one hundred", so 50% is just 50 out of 100. Thus, the conversion is just from a fraction with one denominator to a fraction with a denominator of 100.

    How to convert fraction to percent

Sample task: convert 1/5 to percent. Solution:

fraction x 100 = percentage
1 / 5 x 100 = 20 %
End result:
1/5 is equal to 20 percent

As can be seen, the conversion between fractions and percentages is as easy as performing the division of the numerator by the denominator, then multiplying the result by one hundred.

While this is straightforward with simple fractions, it can get more difficult with more complex ones, hence a fraction to percent converter will become very handy.

    Fraction to percent conversion table

fraction to percent conversion table Fraction Percent 1/100 1 % 1/50 2 % 3/100 3 % 1/25 4 % 1/20 5 % 3/50 6 % 7/100 7 % 2/25 8 % 9/100 9 % 1/10 10 % 1/5 20 % 1/4 25 % 3/10 30 % 2/5 40 % 1/2 50 % 3/5 60 % 7/10 70 % 3/4 75 % 4/5 80 % 9/10 90 % 1/1 100 %

You print and then consult the above table if for some reason our fraction to percentage converter is not available to you.


Lynna Burgamy

Update: 2023-05-13