
61 liter to usgallon - How much is 61 liters in US gallons? [CONVERT] ✔

61 liters is equivalent to 16.1144951938471 US gallons.

We know (by definition) that: 1 liter ≈ 0.264172052358148 usgallon

We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of US gallons.

1   liter 61   liter ≈ 0.264172052358148   usgallon x   usgallon

Now, we cross multiply to solve for our unknown x:

x   usgallon ≈ 61   liter 1   liter * 0.264172052358148   usgallon → x   usgallon ≈ 16.114495193847027   usgallon

Conclusion: 61   liter ≈ 16.114495193847027   usgallon

The inverse of the conversion factor is that 1 US gallon is equal to 0.0620559308852459 times 61 liters.

It can also be expressed as: 61 liters is equal to 1 0.0620559308852459 US gallons.


An approximate numerical result would be: sixty-one liters is about sixteen point one zero US gallons, or alternatively, a US gallon is about zero point zero six times sixty-one liters.

Units involved

This is how the units in this conversion are defined:


"The litre (British spelling) or liter (American spelling) is an SI accepted metric system unit of volume equal to 1 cubic decimetre (dm3), 1,000 cubic centimetres (cm3) or 1/1,000 cubic metre. A cubic decimetre (or litre) occupies a volume of 10×10×10 centimetres (see figure) and is thus equal to one-thousandth of a cubic metre."

Us Gallons

"The US gallon is legally defined as 231 cubic inches, which is exactly 3.785411784 liters.[2][3] A US liquid gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms at 62 °F (17 °C), making it about 16.6% lighter than the imperial gallon. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 US fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes the US fluid ounce equal to 1⁄128 of a US gallon."

[1] The precision is 15 significant digits (fourteen digits to the right of the decimal point).

Results may contain small errors due to the use of floating point arithmetic.


Tobi Tarwater

Update: 2023-04-29